Welcome, I am Heide Classen, your German and English language expert in Berlin

I’ve been teaching for over two decades. My clients include senior staff at The Financial Times, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and Christie’s Auction House – I’m very happy to say that this summer Nicholas from Dulwich College, London has been awarded an A* in his A Levels which is enabling him to study neuroscience at Imperial College London.


In a global marketplace, language skills are a valuable asset to have and can make the difference between getting and almost getting promoted.


At least a quarter of my clients are learning German/English because their partner is from another country. These classes tend to focus on participating in everyday conversations.


Oral and written tests can be stressful, particularly if you don’t consider yourself to be academic. I excel at supporting both teenage and mature students in passing exams.


There is no one-size-fits-all here! Each class is custom built to your specifications. Learn what you want when you want.

Group Teaching

The optimal size of a group is three or four participants. These sessions are motivational and build a strong team dynamic.

Corporate Clients

These include: UBS, Imperial War Museums, The Economist, JP Morgan, BP, Mercedes Benz Bank and Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology.

Come and say Guten Tag!